Starring Ultra!
The Point Guardian!
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boxtop hero

The Green Avenger

It won the annual webcomics award, so it can't be all that bad.


One of the funnest Superhero webcomics out there!

Mind Mistress

One of the most talked about superhero webcomics out there!!

Cold Servings

A gritty and realistic tale of an urban superhero starting out.

The Young Defenders

Another very talented superhero webcomic.


A comic with an oldschool Kirby touch by Steve Sloan!


Its a comic, but not about elves bathing.

The Jaded

Ping's webcomic The Jaded uses alot of different methods, not to mention Ping always is very helpful with my art's progression with suggestions.

The Wotch

Some would say an odd choice to link, but Anne and I agree on many things in regards to comicbooks, plus she has a cute artstyle.


A webcomic by a good friend of mine

El Goonish Shive

A Webcomic about adventure, love, furries. Personally, I love the story, the art is charming, Thumbs up!


A good listing of online comics

Comic Genesis

My very gracious host.

Blue Skunk

Chelsea has done guest pages for me before not to mention, like me, she is also a learning artist.

My DeviantArt Site

My Deviant Art Site full of cool drawings and artistic experiments by me.

My Online Portfolio

My very own online portfolio of my Graphic Design work!

Hero Academy

My latest webcomic experiment, written by me, drawn by Ivan.

All images Copyright Benjamin Carver. The Point Guardian is hosted on Comic Genesis,
a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics

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